From Vancouver
Take I-5 south to Rose Quarter Exit 302. Turn right on N Broadway, left on N Weidler, and right on NE MLK to 777 NE Martin Luther King BLVD.

From Downtown
Turn left on Naito Parkway and head north to the Steel Bridge. Cross the Steel Bridge to the east bank and continue on NE Oregon St. Turn left on NE 1st and right on NE Holladay. Turn right on to NE Martin Luther King BLVD.

From South Metro
Take I-5 north bound to Rose Quarter exit 302A. Turn right on N Weidler and right on NE MLK.

From PDX Airport
Take I-205 south .31 miles and exit at 21B on to I-84 west. In 5.6 miles take the Convention Center exit. Turn right on NE Holladay and right on NE MLK to 777 NE Matin Luther King BLVD.

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